The Communications Creativity Underground

August 22, 2007

Sometimes a little creativity can make a big impact when communicating.  I came across this latest Nike initiative through a colleague’s blog today.  This is a solid, well-thought through idea that links back to brand values (I’m sure it’s also gone through the legal department at Nike also; I’d be nervous if it was in a highly litigious market like Korea or Ireland).

However, it was good reminder about how risk-based and creative communications activities can reap huge return for companies.  Considering that most Korean companies are risk adverse, I wouldn’t be surprised if a multinational operating in Korea does something similar first. 

Also, if anyone is brave enough, I’ve been dying to implement an underground campaign based on virtual graffiti but have yet to get it over the line in Europe or Korea to date.  Any takers?  Surely ‘ubiquitous’ Korea’s the place to do it.  Or maybe it already has, and I’m sadly no longer with it!!!